Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (ESCI) in Tourism. Analysis of international sex tourism affecting children


  • Laura A. Aguilar González



Sexual exploitation, children’s commercial, sightseeing


Let us begin by defining the faces of commercial sexual exploitation of children (ES- CI): it occurs in various ways, including child prostitution, child pornography, sex trafficking and sex tourism. Let’s talk about the latter, sex tourism that affects children. It is a global phenomenon in both sending and receiving countries, affecting millions of children every year and violating their human rights. Although it feeds on supply and demand between host and host countries, it is caused by a complex interplay between social, cultural and economic factors.


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Author Biography

Laura A. Aguilar González

Universidad de Guadalajara.


Aguilar Laura 2003 Explotación sexual comercial de niños que sobreviven en la calle. Análisis retrospectivo 1999-2003. El caso Puerto

Vallarta. Azaola Elena 2000 “Infancia robada “. Centro de Investigaciones y estudios Superiores en Antropología Social.

Organización Mundial del Turismo 2001 “La Protección de los Niños contra la Explotación Sexual en el Turismo “.



How to Cite

Aguilar González, L. A. (2005). Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (ESCI) in Tourism. Analysis of international sex tourism affecting children. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 3(1), 207–210.