Tourism in Catalonia: historical evolution and future challenges


  • Sole Jiménez
  • Llorenç Prats



History of tourism, Tourism in Catalonia, Tourist policy, Tourism restructuring


This article features, in a brief introduction, the history, present situation and main future challenges of tourism in Catalonia. Catalonia, as a region, is the first tourist destination in Spain accord- ing to the number of visitors and total income. Its particular geography and socio-cultural characteristics turn Catalonia into an interesting laboratory for studying the evolution of tourism in South Europe. On one hand, Costa Brava, mainly, and Costa Dorada have been a classical destination for ‘sun and beach’ tourism. On the other hand, its mountains and, above all the wide Pyrenean range have also promoted the development of winter tourism, which has reached its peak in Baqueria-Beret winter sports resort, and has forwarded the introduction of country tourism and adventure tourism. Cultural tourism, finally, which has always counted on complementary incentives such as the Roman city of Tarraco, the Greco- Roman archaeological site of Ampurias, the singularities of Montserrat or the works of Dalí, Picasso, Miró… has strongly taken off in Barcelona since the last restructuring and promotion of the city, because of the Olympic Games in 1992. All these facts make tourism a key sector in Catalonia, around which momentous debates take place, not always, perhaps, with the needed strict criteria. That is why we feel convenient to offer this panoramic view, which in its modest scope, may allow scholars in other parts of the world to have some essential information on this matter.


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Author Biographies

Sole Jiménez

Sole Jiménez ejerce como profesora en la Escola Universitària de Turisme de Terrassa, donde imparte, entre otras, las materias de Patrimonio Cultural y Geografía Turística, y como tutora de la Diplomatura de Turismo en la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Llorenç Prats

Llorenç Prats es profesor titular de Antropología Social en la Universitat de Barcelona, donde imparte, entre otras, las materias de Patrimonio Etnológico, Antropología del Turismo y Construcción Social del Patrimonio (esta última en los masters de Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural y Gestión Cultural).


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How to Cite

Jiménez, S., & Prats, L. (2006). Tourism in Catalonia: historical evolution and future challenges. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 4(2), 153–174.

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