The geological heritage of Morocco: a potential for the development of health tourism as a factor in the fight against poverty


  • Ezaidi A.
  • Kabbachi B.
  • El Youssi M.



Geology heritage, Tourism of health, Hydro-thermalism, Sand-therapy, Human development, Struggle against poverty, Arid and Saharan surroundings


The whole Moroccan territory conceals a rich essentially thermal and mineral geological heritage. The exploitation of this national heritage to therapeutic ends can play an important economic and social role by the generation of jobs, especially in the arid and of the Sahara zones that endure the drought, the desertification and the emigration of the farming youngsters. It is in the setting of the call of the Chief of Staff of the united Nations inviting, in the declaration of the Millennium, the nations to contribute important way to the struggle against poverty and the extreme poverty, that we proposed, for these resource less surroundings, the tourism of health like an alternative of development associating the struggle against poverty and the lasting tourism. Our article also appears in the setting of the National Initiative for the Human Development (NIHD), placing the Moroccan citizen as finality of the develop- ment strategies and first factor and strength of this development.


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Author Biographies

Ezaidi A.

Ezaidi A. y Kabbachi B. son profesores de la Universidad Ibn Zohr, Laboratorio de GEOMARID, Dpto. de Cien- cias de la Tierra, Facultad de Ciencias, Agadir. Marruecos.

Kabbachi B.

Ezaidi A. y Kabbachi B. son profesores de la Universidad Ibn Zohr, Laboratorio de GEOMARID, Dpto. de Ciencias de la Tierra, Facultad de Ciencias, Agadir. Marruecos

El Youssi M.

El Youssi M. es profesor de la Universidad Mohamed V Agdal, Unité des environnements désertiques, Facultad de Ciencias, Rabat Marruecos.


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How to Cite

A., E., B., K., & M., E. Y. (2007). The geological heritage of Morocco: a potential for the development of health tourism as a factor in the fight against poverty. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 5(3), 371–382.