Insurgency and Tourism: Reflections on the Impact of the Politicized Tourist in Chiapas


  • Gabriela Coronado



politices tourist, organizational net, interetnic relations, indigenous rebellion


The paper analyses the interrelations between politics and tourism considering the impact of political instability generated by the Zapatista indigenous rebellion on tourism in Chiapas, Mexico. By analysing tourist products and fieldwork observations the transformation of the tourist industry is explained as an effect of pressures from a new kind of visitor, “political tourists”. Attracted by the indigenous movement and its relevance as a global social movement, their political and ideological position  created  demands  that  affected  interethnic  organisational  networks  and  the  social  value  of tourism activity. As a response indigenous and non indigenous tourist agents generated new strategies for economic recovery, including changes in the organisational networks and marketing symbols and ideologies as “commodities”.


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Author Biography

Gabriela Coronado

Gabriela Coronado es dcotora en el Organisational Studies, School of Management. Universidad de Western Sydney, Australia


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How to Cite

Coronado, G. (2008). Insurgency and Tourism: Reflections on the Impact of the Politicized Tourist in Chiapas. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 6(1), 53–68.

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