The creation of tourism products using oenological routes


  • Tomás J. López-Guzmán Guzmán
  • Sandra Mª Sánchez Cañizares



wine tourism, tourist routes, tourist product, rural development, montilla-moriles


The changes that are taking place in the tourist activity in the last years are taking to the crea- tion of new tourist products, highlighting those related with the local and regional roots. In this paper we present an analysis on the creation and development of wine routes like tourist product in certain rural areas. And this analysis outlines it from a triple perspective: first, a study in depth they are the wine routes and its creation and development in other countries about what; second, an analysis they are certi- fied in Spain the routes of the wine of how; and third, a reference to a route of the wine certified in Spain, that of Montilla-Moriles in the county of Córdoba.


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Author Biographies

Tomás J. López-Guzmán Guzmán

Tomás J. López-Guzmán Guzmán es Doctor en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales y Profesor del Área de Economía Aplicada en la Universidad de Córdoba

Sandra Mª Sánchez Cañizares

Sandra Mª Sánchez Cañizares es Doctora en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales y Profesora del Área de Organización de Empresas en la Universidad de Córdoba.


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How to Cite

López-Guzmán Guzmán, T. J., & Sánchez Cañizares, S. M. (2008). The creation of tourism products using oenological routes. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 6(2), 159–171.