Agua Blanca. Community and tourism in the equatorial Pacific.


  • Macarena Hernández



equatorial Pacific, community, tourism, Agua Blanca


Agua Blanca. Community and Tourism in the Equatorial Pacific is the title chosen by Esteban Ruiz Ballesteros to present a compelling monograph focused on a community on the Ecuadorian coast called Agua Blanca. A work where we are exposed to the particular forms that the development of tourist activity in this part of the world takes (through the format of Community Tourism), in which the social life of a small community is masterfully unraveled, but above all where the sense of ethnography is shown and refreshed. Among all its attractions, I would undoubtedly point out the centrality and dimension given to ethnography in this work.


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How to Cite

Hernández, M. (2009). Agua Blanca. Community and tourism in the equatorial Pacific. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 7(3), 529–533.