Tourism development: sustainable or sustained? Intercultural reflections on the case of Praia do Forte-Bahia, Brazil


  • Simone Alves
  • Adriana Victoria G. de Hilal



Tourism, Entrepreneurship, Tourism destination, Sustainability, Communities


This article adopts qualitative exploratory research, undertaken by means of a single-case study on Praia do Forte, a tourism destination located on the Brazilian coast. Use was made of second- ary data and in-depth interviews with local residents, to answer the research question of how this desti- nation could follow a path of tourism development in a way that differentiates it from similar ones; and, as secondary objective if the degree of current development can still be seen as sustainable. Based on a systematic perspective of tourism, we seek to extend the vision of development so as to include soci- ocultural and environmental dimensions of sustainability based on Sachs' (1986) model. The results indicate that three factors seem to answer the question.


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Author Biographies

Simone Alves

MSc., doctorate degree student. The Coppead Graduate School of Business.

Adriana Victoria G. de Hilal

DSc., associate professor. The Coppead Graduate School of Business.


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How to Cite

Alves, S., & G. de Hilal, A. V. (2009). Tourism development: sustainable or sustained? Intercultural reflections on the case of Praia do Forte-Bahia, Brazil. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 7(3), 503–514.

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