Integrated knowledge management in the tourism sector. Proposal of analysis matrix.


  • Cláudia Ribeiro de Almeida
  • Ana Maria Ferreira
  • Carlos Costa



Knowledge management, Tourism, EGIC Matrix, Strategies


Tourism sect or is base d i n s ervices, m ost of t hem of fered by sm all enterprises. The information and knowledge represents to this enterprises one of the main areas, used to define strategies and sho rt/medium ter m b usiness plans. This paper pr etends t o discuss th e in tegrated knowledge management concept an d p resent a new matrix developed during a Phd Thesis i n Tourism at University of Aveiro (Portu gal). The EGIC Matrix (Integrated Knowledg e Man agement Sp iral) is a n ew flex ible methodology that can be used to analyse different destinations or even tourism market segments. Is a new concept of an integrated a pproach that can be very useful for public and private enterprises and t ourism organizations. The authors used this matrix to study a m arket segment growing, residential tourism, thus proving its usefulness and added value achieved for the sector.


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Author Biographies

Cláudia Ribeiro de Almeida

Dra Turismo pela Universidades de Aveiro. Universidade do Algarve.

Ana Maria Ferreira

Dra Turismo pela Universidades de Aveiro. Universidade do Algarve.

Carlos Costa

Dr. em Turismo pela Universidade de Surrey (Reino Unido). Universidade do Aveiro.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro de Almeida, C., Ferreira, A. M., & Costa, C. (2009). Integrated knowledge management in the tourism sector. Proposal of analysis matrix. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 7(3), 475–490.

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