The role and attributes of entrepreneurs at South Africa’s largest arts festival.


  • E. Jonker
  • M. Saayman
  • S. de Klerk



Klein Karoo National Arts Festival, attributes, factor analysis, festival entrepreneur


The Klein Karoo National Arts Festival (KKNK) in Oudtshoorn, South Africa, is the largest arts festival in South Africa. The purpose of this research was to determine the attributes and role of the entrepreneurs at the Klein Karoo National Arts Festival. This was done by means of a questionnaire survey (N=249). After data capturing was completed, two factor analyses were conducted. The first factor analysis revealed six factors (entrepreneurial attributes), namely organisational skills, resourceful- ness, self-edification, explorative, acquired skill and drive, of which resourcefulness had the highest mean value. The second factor analysis identified the role of entrepreneurs at KKNK and revealed three primary roles, namely festival promotion, product promotion and income generation, of which product promotion had the highest mean value. This is the first time that the roles of entrepreneurs at festivals were investigated in South Africa.


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Author Biographies

E. Jonker

Workwell Research Unit North West University (South Africa) 2520.

M. Saayman

Institute for Tourism and Leisure Studies and Workwell Research Unit North West University (South Africa) 2520.

S. de Klerk

Institute for Tourism and Leisure Studies and Workwell Research Unit North West University (South Africa) 2520.


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How to Cite

Jonker, E., Saayman, M., & de Klerk, S. (2009). The role and attributes of entrepreneurs at South Africa’s largest arts festival. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 7(3), 381–392.