Lunahuaná, a tourist destination. Transformations in social composition, family economy and gender relations.


  • Norma Fuller



Tourism in rural areas, tourism impacts, gender, lunahuana, Peru


This article analyses the impacts of tourism development on the social composition and gender relations in a rural district of the Peruvian coastal region. It concludes that it has accelerated the process of diversification of the household economy and social composition of its population. However, the expansion of tourism could not be explained without taking into account that the agricultural production covers the basic needs of its workers. In what concerns gender relations, tourism opens works opportunities for women and could trigger some changes within couple relationships. Nevertheless, jobs related to tourism activities are usually precarious and men monopolize the more valuable and better paid positions


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Author Biography

Norma Fuller

Norma Fuller es Doctora en Antropología cultural por la Universidad de Florida Gainesville y profesora principal del departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Dirige el taller de Antropología del turismo del CISEPA (Centro de Investigaciones Sociales Económicas Políticas y Antropológicas) del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la PUCP. Investiga los efectos sociales y cultura- les del trismo en áreas rurales.


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How to Cite

Fuller, N. (2010). Lunahuaná, a tourist destination. Transformations in social composition, family economy and gender relations. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 8(2), 293–304.