The difficulties in the development of mining tourism projects: the case of La Unión Mining District (SE Spain)


  • Héctor M. Conesa



Mining Heritage, Landscape, Cultural Tourism, Environment, Souteast


Mine sites are atypical industrial sites because they encompass not only economic but also landscape and anthropologic components. The need of developing new economic opportunities in areas, where a “mining monoculture” was the economic backbone, has resulted in the re-inter- pretation of mining activity from a cultural viewpoint. Some traditional mining towns from both, recent and ancient times, have forgone mining activity and have become new tourist attractions sites. However, the process of developing tourism in these zones is not easy and necessarily incor- porates social, economic and environmental requirements. This paper describes the constraints, possibilities and efforts that meet in the former mining town of La Unión, Southeast Spain. It will be  investigated in a critic point of view the current projects that, though in low number, try to pre- serve the identity and history of the town while generating relatively significant economic incomes.


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Author Biography

Héctor M. Conesa

Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, ETH-Zurich, Universitatstrasse 16, 8092-Zürich(Switzerland)


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How to Cite

Conesa, H. M. (2010). The difficulties in the development of mining tourism projects: the case of La Unión Mining District (SE Spain). PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 8(4), 653–660.