Use and tourist reading of large archaeological sites. Reflections from the Public Study of Medina Azahara / Madinat al-Zahra (Córdoba)


  • María García Hernández
  • Manuel de la Calle Vaquero



Cultural Tourism, Archaeological Tourism, Visitors, Archaeological Sites, Visitor Studies.


Heritage managers have realized a great effort in order to prepare archaeological sites for the public visit. In a context of rapid growth of the tourist cultural flows, many of the archaeological elements have been incorporated as tourist resources to the strategies of socioeconomic local deve- lopment. Nevertheless visitor studies has been one of the aspects least treated in Spain though it is one of the most important parts of projects of museology. This paper containts a few reflections on the guidelines of cultural consumption of tourist type in archaeological heritage sites. It has been ela- borated from the conclusions of the Visitor Study of Madinat Al-Zahra / Medina Azahara (Cordova, Spain). We try to provide keys to understand the characteristics of the visitors of archaeological sites: use and tourist reading. We also try to understand the role that plays this type of heritage in the tourist destinations of which it forms a part.


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Author Biographies

María García Hernández

Profesora del Dpto. de Geografía Humana. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Grupo de Investigación: “Turismo, patrimonio y desarrollo

Manuel de la Calle Vaquero

Manuel de la Calle Vaquero. Profesor del Dpto. de Geografía Humana. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Grupo de Investigación “Turismo, patrimonio y desarrollo”.


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How to Cite

García Hernández, M., & de la Calle Vaquero, M. (2010). Use and tourist reading of large archaeological sites. Reflections from the Public Study of Medina Azahara / Madinat al-Zahra (Córdoba). PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 8(4), 609–626.

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