Tenerife Stream: Presencia de un destino turístico en Redes Sociales en Internet


  • Laura Aguilera Ávila
  • Rosana Parra Hidalgo




Tourist destination, Social networks, internet, Tenerife Stream


In 2009 the company Turismo de Tenerife1 developed, in accordance with the tourism strategy Tenerife 2008-2015, a study that determined the main characteristics of the map the current positioning of the island of Tenerife, that is to say, what image a potential tourist has when he thinks of the island.    From this diagnosis, an ideal conceptual map of the desired positioning was prepared; that is, what image the destination would like to be perceived by potential tourists.


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Sánchez, A. y Fernández, Mª P. 2010 Informe Generación 2.0 2010. Hábitos de los adolescentes en el uso de las Redes Sociales. Madrid: Universidad Camilo José Cela.

Turismo de Tenerife 2010 Características del turista de Tenerife (I semestre 2010). Disponible en http://www.webtenerife.com/NR/rdonlyres/C7C3F9C186AA4C9286C6F924CFADE008/10448/CaractersticasdelTuristadeTenerifeIsemestre2011.pdf



How to Cite

Aguilera Ávila, L., & Parra Hidalgo, R. (2011). Tenerife Stream: Presencia de un destino turístico en Redes Sociales en Internet. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 9(1), 185–188. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2011.09.015