The role of identity, social capital and territorial certifications in the local development of minor territories: the case of Pitigliano in the Region of Tuscany


  • Viviana Calzati



Slow territories, Identity, Local community, Quality, Territorial certifications


The objective of this paper is to further understanding of the relationship between local community, identity, social capital and territorial certifications. More specifically, the investigation deals with the way in which the inhabitants of the Municipality of Pitigliano perceive and evaluate their town in terms of quality, the role they attribute to territorial certifications and the elements of the town or the area with which they feel the strongest ties. The town of Pitigliano was identified as a research area because it has characteristics that include it among the territories defined as “slow.” In these areas, new paths for development are identified in which identity, local history, social capital, cultural heritage, quality and beauty can become innovative factors that are able to promote not a tourist product, but rather an endogenous development of the area in a sustainable manner.


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Author Biography

Viviana Calzati

Dipartimento di Discipline Giuridiche e Aziendali, Università di Perugia Italia.


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How to Cite

Calzati, V. (2012). The role of identity, social capital and territorial certifications in the local development of minor territories: the case of Pitigliano in the Region of Tuscany. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 10(3), 265–279.

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