I need Spain, visual-verbal, implicaturas conversacionales, lengua del turismo.
I need Spain, visual-verbal, conversational implicatures, language of tourismAbstract
This paper analyzes the latest tourism promotion campaign launched by the Spanish Government on March 4, 2010, I need Spain. Speci? cally, it focuses on describing the pragmatic strategies used for communication and the effects they have on the recipients. The theoretical framework consists of pragmatics (Escandell, 1994; Sbisà, 1994; Orletti, 1994), studies regarding the interaction between visual and verbal information in advertisements (Lombardi Vallauri, 2009; Held, 2004, 2005, 2007) and bibliography about language and communication of tourism (among others, Santulli, Antelmi and Held, 2007; Calvi and Mapelli, 2011).
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