Description and narrative construction in tourist guides to Navarra 1904-1929
discursive strategy, descriptive procedure, genderAbstract
this paper aims to analyze 4 guidebooks of Navarra written during the period between 1904 and 1929. The textual analysis shows the similarities and dissimilarities at the macrostructural level and the discursive and lexical strategies that take part in the persuasive function. From a comparative approach, the comparison between the guidebooks offers a linguistic and ideological refl ection – in this phase of consolidation of this tourist genre – on the kind of descriptive procedures that the writer performs in order to describe the image of Navarra and fulfi ll the addressees’ expectations. According to Adam (2006), we believe that every descriptive procedure is indissolubly bound to a point of view and, consequently, to the image that the writer aims to depict.
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