Impact of Tourist Perceptions, Destination Image and Tourist Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty: A Conceptual Model


  • R. Rajesh



perception, image, satisfaction, loyalty, attributes, determinants


The objective this research paper is develops a destination loyalty theoretical model by using tourist perception, destination image and tourist satisfaction. These study analysis components,
attributes, factor influencing the destination image and examine the ourist satisfaction and determinants of destination loyalty. This is a conceptual paper attempts at evaluating recent empirical on destination
image, tourist satisfaction and loyalty. The conceptual framework model is developed on the basis of existing theoretical and empirical research in the field of destination marketing. The models include four constructs. Tourist Perception constructs has been influenced by factors like Historical and Cultural Attractions, Destination Affordability, Travel Environment, Natural Attractions, Entertainments and Infrastructure. Destination image construct has been influenced by factors like Infrastructure & Facilities, Heritage Attractions, Natural Made Attractions, Destination Safety & Cleanness, Friendly Local Community & Clam Atmosphere, Rejuvenation and Service Price and Affordability. The satisfaction construct has been influenced by factors like Entertainments, Destination Attractions and Atmosphere, Accommodation, Food, Transportation Services and shopping. The destination loyalty construct has influenced by intentions to revisit, word of mouth promotion and recommending to others. The earlier study result reveals that tourist perception, destination image and tourist satisfaction directly influence destination loyalty. The utcomes of the study have significant managerial implications for destination marketing managers.


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Author Biography

R. Rajesh

Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India
Dept. of Tourism Studies, School of Management, Pondicherry


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How to Cite

Rajesh, R. (2013). Impact of Tourist Perceptions, Destination Image and Tourist Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty: A Conceptual Model. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 11(3), 67–78.

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