Local development in alternative tourist destinations: Avis Nautical Station (Alentejo – Portugal)
local development, nautical tourism, participatory methodology, tourism product, alternative destinationsAbstract
The objective of this article is to present a case study focusing on local development strategies of nautical tourism, currently underway in an inland territory, in the municipality of Avis in the Alentejo region (Portugal). The necessary mobilisation and involvement of the local stakeholders, in the use and valorisation of their endogenous resources toward the construction of an integrated tourist product,in an alternative tourist destination, has been achieved through the application of the world café methodology, which in this case proved to be innovative and fruitful. The results achieved fostered inter-knowledge and the formation of teams working together in a four-helix process, articulating several local products toward structuring the integrated tourist product – Avis Nautical Station. We have seen how participative methodologies assume a structuring role, critical to success in the development processes. The added value of this article consists in sharing these methodologies toward their incorporation in specific sectors of activity such as tourism and other areas of intervention.
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