Quality in the tourism sector: regulatory framework and planning
Public Authorities, Sustainability, Competitiveness, Accessibility, Residents and visitors, AndalusiaAbstract
In this article we analyse quality from the perspective of the public sector, focusing on the participation of the General Authorities of the State Administration and Autonomous Communities in Spain, with special focus on the regulatory planning instruments adopted in Andalusia. This regional perspective is completed with the study of initiatives adopted in Catalonia and the Canary Islands. The selection is based ion the longstanding history of experience in tourism of these Autonomous Communities and the large numbers of visitors, both national and international, who are received by them annually. The study of the evolution of planning articles and laws is essential in order to understand the aims and principles of quality control as defined by the Public Authorities, and their adaptation to private sector demands and the general citizens. The methodology is based on legal analysis of the current normative framework, and the planning instruments adopted, together with other bibliographic sources.
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