The added value of vernacular architecture: the cases of the Wine and Tequila Route in Mexico
Tourism, Vernacular architecture, Thematic routes, Heritage, MexicoAbstract
Mexican tourism has witnessed a shift towards the revaluation of traditions as "symbolic attributes" located in less urbanized areas through a syncretic perspective that exalts both pre-Hispanic and colonial values. In this context, thematic routes have become a tourist variant based on the consumption of differentiated sites. The Tequila Route shows many of the effects of the implementation of the Magical Towns Programme, among which the coexistence of heritage and neo-colonial architecture with elements belonging to other periods that attempt to exalt the aesthetic values of "the Mexican" stands out. While the Wine Route incorporates values associated with border culture into its architectural discourse through the use of second-use materials in a quest to define its own architecture. The hypothesis is that in both thematic routes architecture functions as a legitimizing vehicle and that each one exposes a different meaning of "the vernacular," through a diversity of typologies produced that pursue the same end: to attract tourism.
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