The Dominican route as a tourist attraction in Amarante and Baião (North of Portugal)
Tourism, Route, Arte, Dominicanos, DesenvolvimentoAbstract
The religious orders stood out in the quality of the search for places for the monastic groups, in the name of faith, culture and the aggregation of populations. The route focuses on the Dominican root temples (S. Gonçalo and S. Domingos, Amarante) and the absorption of others (Mancelos and Freixo de Baixo, Amarante, and Ancede, Baião). In Amarante, art follows the treatment of the different stylistic phases of the best artists of the Porto and Braga schools. We glimpse styles from Mannerism to Neoclassical. Objectives: to associate the route to the potentialities of the region - gastronomic, cultural and nature tourism, good accessibility and accommodation conditions and the connection with the Romanesque Route of Tâmega e Sousa and Douro Sul. As a route argument, the methodology was based on the literature of the author and researchers linked to the currents of art and religious tourism, with a subsequent work with a survey, highlighted in the conclusion.
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- Academic society
- PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural
- Publisher
- Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)
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