Adaptation to Spanish of the NES scale: segmentation of tourists based on environmental motivations


  • Daniel Dorta-Afonso
  • María Cantero-García



ecotourist, nature-based tourist, sustainable tourist, ES-scale, confirmatory factorial analysis, questionnaire adaptation.


The NES-scale is a questionnaire designed for tourist segmentation based on environmental interests and motivation. It allows for the identification of sustainable tourists, nature-oriented tourists, eco-tourists and mass tourists. In this study we have adapted the NES-scale to the Spanish language and applied it to a sample of 149 Spanish tourists. Item and factor analysis allowed us to confirm alignment with the proposed triple based model of Nature, knowledge and sustainability. The coefficients of internal coherence and fit of the model were satisfactory. The theoretical implications of the results obtained are discussed and scaled practical applications proposed for tourism researchers and practitioners. The limitations of the present research are also highlighted with suggestions of relevant future strands of related tourism research.



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How to Cite

Dorta-Afonso, D., & Cantero-García, M. (2018). Adaptation to Spanish of the NES scale: segmentation of tourists based on environmental motivations. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 16(3), 785–794.




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