Ecotourism in biosphere reserves: practices and attitudes towards conservation
Ecotourism, Sustainable Development, Maasai Mara, KenyaAbstract
Ecotourism has emerged as a viable option for integrating conservation and socio-economic development in protected areas. However, it is important to carry out empirical studies that provide evidence of its economic viability and environmental sustainability. The primary objective of this study was to characterise ecotourism as a strategy for conservation and sustainable development in Biosphere Reserves. To achieve this, we analysed the relationship between the potential benefits and the attitudes of local communities towards conservation. A mix of methods was used, including a quantitative survey (n = 138), open interviews (n = 22) and four focal group discussions. The results show that ecotourism has potential for generating significant economic benefits to the local communities and for encouraging their participation in conservation initiatives. They also revealed that direct economic incentives are not sufficient to change residents’ attitudes and practices in favour of conservation.
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