Cruise tourism: Proposal to improve the environment for crew members on board passenger ships, based on new technologies


  • Amalia Luque Sendra UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA
  • Luis González Abril UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA



Crewman, Passenger chip, Motivations, New technologies


This work discusses a field study carried out with crew members on different passenger ships (cruises, river cruises, ROPAX and high speed), with the aim of using their perceptions/opinions to measure and detect which factors motivate them the most and the least in their day-to-day working on board. After analyzing the data obtained through surveys, it is proposed that it is possible, using new technologies, to overcome the detected motivational deficiencies and that the crew have during their on-board periods, which range between 6 and 9 months. It is concluded, when analyzing the evaluations of the crew the special coexistence environment of a passenger ship, that applications based on new technologies, such as RDFI sensors located on board and data mining, supported by tablets, help to improve the affective and emotional setbacks of spending so many months on board. It also enhances motivational, affective, professional and leisure values, which helps improve the quality of life of the crew on board, which directly affects the treatment to the passasengers.



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CATEDRATICO del Departamnto de Economia Aplicada I de la Universidad de Sevilla


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How to Cite

Vazquez, T. V., Luque Sendra, A., & González Abril, L. (2018). Cruise tourism: Proposal to improve the environment for crew members on board passenger ships, based on new technologies. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 16(2), 443–456.


