Multilingual guided tours in urban contexts. An approach based on reviews 2.0




Guided tours;, Multilingualism, 2.0 reviews, Linguistic commodification.


In this research note we analyze a multilingual corpus of 2.0 reviews about a guided tour in an urban context. Using a content analysis approach we investigate the attitudes of tourists towards the services that are delivered by the guides and towards its multilingual dimension in particular. We conclude that there exist subtle differences in the way that the guiding service is described and evaluated, and that tourists also adopt divergente attitudes towards multilingualism according to the language that they use in their review. Moreover, we find that an explicit reference to the guided character of the tour is not associated with a more positive evaluation, and that travellers repeatedly criticize the way in which multilingualism is ‘commodified’. In general, this study aims to shed light on the heuristic parameters for investigating an under-studied phenomenon, namely multilingualism in tourism context, and for using more intensively 2.0 data.


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How to Cite

Keymeulen, T., & Goethals, P. (2018). Multilingual guided tours in urban contexts. An approach based on reviews 2.0. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 16(2), 465–474.



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