An approach to the tourist experience from the Anthropology of Tourism: a mutual look at the encounter between tourists and locals.
Tourist experience, Anthropology of tourism, Meeting process, Mutual look, Tourists and locals.Abstract
The article presents a mutual gaze of tourism to know not only the tourist as the star of tourism experiences but also learn from the experience of the “other” as spinal column of the same phenomenon. From a review of the literature, the roles of tourists and locals are analyzed, the article tries to explain to the tourist experience, understood as the process of socio-cultural encounter between tourists and locals, from an anthropological approach to tourism, as the diversity of cultural expressions contributes to enrich the travel experience. Approach in a holistic view allows to know the generated cultural constructions including those related to tourism and how are crucial for both culture and tourism development of the host city, even understand the complexity of tourism social partners, through a mutual gaze between tourists and locals who are affected and feed each other by the encounter they produce.
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