


toruism, vulnerability, Stakeholders, Riviera Maya


The relevance of the policies, plans and strategies adopted in response to climate change, condition the capacity of tourism destinations to adapt to new scenarios and to mitigate the negative impacts of tourism activity. Stakeholders influence decision-making on such policies, plans and strategies, and thus determine the vulnerability and future sustainability of tourism destinations. The analysis of their perceptions contributes to improving the management of destinations in the face of climate change. Stakeholder interviews show the high influence that climate change has on tourism activity in the Riviera Maya, which urgently needs to address rising sea levels, extreme weather events and coral bleaching. In order to achieve successful strategies, it is crucial to identify the key actors in the process and overcome economic constraints, lack of awareness and poor coordination among actors and institutions.


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Recibido: 16/12/2015 Reenviado: 30/03/2016 Aceptado: 29/05/2016 Sometido a evaluación por pares anónimos



How to Cite

Santos-Lacueva, R., & Saladié, Òscar. (2016). PUBLIC ACTION ON TOURISM AND CLIMATE CHANGE: STAKEHOLDER PERCEPTIONS IN THE RIVIERA MAYA (MEXICO). PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 14(3).

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