Analysis of the Scientific Production International Indigenous Tourism 1990 to 2013: A bibliometric study and proposal of a research agenda


  • Cristiane Nascimento Brandão
  • José Carlos Barbieri
  • Edgar Reyes Junior UFRR / UNISINOS
  • Cristina de Moura João



Indigenous tourism, sustainable development, sustainable tourism, ecotourism, scientific production


Indigenous tourism is a growing segment worldwide. This paper presents a bibliometric study that analyzes the scientific literature on the field of study of indigenous tourism in international journals between 1990 and 2013. This study is relevant given the growing trend in tourism deploy to enable economic development in indigenous communities, using their territory, culture and history as potential attractions. While parsing published articles central themes such as ecotourism and sustainable tourism were identified as well as peripheral issues such as governance and public tourism policy. Furthermore, this research shows the centrality of the issue of sustainable development in all analyzed articles. The article outlines a research agenda, with indications of gaps and suggestions to encourage research in this field of study and contribute to the sustainable development of indigenous communities.


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Recibido: 16/03/2012 Reenviado: 15/01/2014 Aceptado: 17/03/2014 Sometido a evaluación por pares anónimos



How to Cite

Brandão, C. N., Barbieri, J. C., Reyes Junior, E., & de Moura João, C. (2014). Analysis of the Scientific Production International Indigenous Tourism 1990 to 2013: A bibliometric study and proposal of a research agenda. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 17(4), 673–684.


