Cognitive social capital as essential for sustainable resource appropriation of nature. The case of the Biosphere Reserve Parque Atlantico Mar Chiquito
Biosphere Reservas, Mar Chiquita, Cognitive Social Capital, Appropriation of nature, environmental attitudesAbstract
The Park Atlántico Mar Chiquito, located in the Province of Buenos Aires in Argentina, was declared
a Biosphere Reserve in 1996. Reservations are designed, in the UNESCO MAB program, to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable development and provision of knowledge. The declaration of a reserve admits the population but requires redefining of the patterns appropriation of nature through the commitment and local involvement. The objectives are to know residents’ environmental attitudes since an analysis of the valuations, beliefs and willingness to perform sustainable behavior and determine the potentials cognitive social capital for assume commitments that promote the sustainability. The result is a cultural diagnosis that determines the potential cognitive social capital for sustainable development, the achievement of the sustainability of tourism and environmental attitudes to reinforce or discourage.
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