Inter, multidiscipline and/or hybridization in the socio-cultural studies of tourism


  • Marcelino Castillo Nechar



Tourism, Sociocultural, Interdiscipline, multidiscipline, hybridization


The article presents an analysis with regard to the form in which the sociocultural thing is constructed in the tourism, which have been his(her,your) trends and the way of conceiving it. In addi- tion, it approaches a reflection as for the situation of the sociocultural aspects in the modern society, who has to see with the globalization and the crisis and in which the classic budgets do not manage to explain the sociocultural question in those dimensions. However, the fundamental aspect constitutes it the meth- odological reflection for the construction of the new tourist knowledges of hybrid cut, with the managing of the disciplinary lendings and in the specialities.


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Author Biography

Marcelino Castillo Nechar

Marcelino Castillo Nechar es Licenciado en Turismo y Maestro en Investigación Turística por la U.A.E.M. Ha sido Director de Relaciones Públicas de la Empresa Mercadológica Editur Presidente del Colegio de Licenciados en Turismo del Estado de México; Asesor de la Dirección de Turismo del Estado de México; etc. Actualmente es profe- sor investigador del Centro de Investigación y Estudios Turísticos (CIETUR) la Facultad de Turismo de la U.A.E.M.


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How to Cite

Castillo Nechar, M. (2005). Inter, multidiscipline and/or hybridization in the socio-cultural studies of tourism. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 3(2), 229–243.

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