Collaboration among tourism actors in heritage cities. Reflections for the analysis of tourism development


  • Rafael Merinero Rodríguez
  • Zamora Acosta.



Networks of tourism, Analysis of Social Networks, Local tourism system, Public-private Collaboration


The new tourist scenery characterized by the intermediation extinction processes and the new parameters in tourist demand, set new challenges for tourist areas. Actor from a certain tourist area and its connections are basic for the real articulation of the area, this is because they become very important in the strategies and actions that must be undertaken to adapt to the new context conditions, therefore is becoming more important to pay attention to the “active management of tourist areas”. With the use of the Local tourist System it will be possible to set the type of relationship exists between the actors, ap- plying new analysis methodologies in heritage cities.


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Author Biographies

Rafael Merinero Rodríguez

Rafael Merinero Rodríguez. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales. Área de Sociología. Universidad Pablo de Ola- vide, de Sevilla.

Zamora Acosta.

Departamento de Antropología Social. Universidad de Sevilla.


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How to Cite

Merinero Rodríguez, R., & Acosta., Z. (2009). Collaboration among tourism actors in heritage cities. Reflections for the analysis of tourism development. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 7(2), 219–238.