Tourism and farming industry crafts têxtil: commercial expansão e perda de identidade cultural no Brasil no final do século
Tourism, Creative industries, Textile of artisan, Division of the work, Resende CostaAbstract
This work to leave of secondary data and participant comments describes and analyzes the social and economic development of the creative industry artisan of a city of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The historical formation of its chain of production is marked by organizations that production half-autonomous worker deal with relations of enslaved work until units. The organization of this crea- tive industry processes a productive structure that is divided and specialized. The trader co-ordinates and innovates the businesses integrated in a net of relationship of commercial and productive units. The process of organizational development, from the division of the work, and the commercial expansion has generated as not intentional consequence the loss of local knowledge on the bicentennial artisan tech- niques.
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