The insecurity of the territory


  • Maximiliano E. Korstanje



insecurity, territory, tourism, terrorism


There is a strong link between tourism and terrorism. For some, the first is the logical concatenation in which the hatred of some groups for the inequities of the West and its hegemonic expan- ion flows. For others, tourism is the Achilles tendon through which a West that also presents itself as almighty becomes vulnerable. This dichotomy leads us to the following observation. The means of transport that have made tourism a mass offer are a derivative of the technological processes that have been historically replaced after the war. As a productive cycle, it founds the Jerárqui-based foundations of each society, its statutes, values and cults, as well as the technical means that lead to mobility in times of peace. Within this context, the work of Professor Paul Virilio entitled The Insegu-ridad del Territorio is inserted, which is an anthology of two lectures given in 1969 and 1975. Concerned about the way in which men co-inhabit a total peace process that came after the Second War, Virilio explains that the idea of urban insecurity is the end of the Hobbesian Leviathan. On the basis that the State guaranteed human relations in the past by preventing the war of all against all this, its decline is the result of a homogenization that is given outside the community and subverts fear within the city limits.


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How to Cite

E. Korstanje, M. (2011). The insecurity of the territory. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 9(2), 483–484.

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