The impacts of tourism on economic growth and development: the case of the main Colombian destinations


  • Juan Gabriel Brida
  • Pablo Daniel Monterubbianesii
  • Sandra Zapata Aguirre



Economic growth, Tourism earnings, Johansen cointegration test, Vector Error Correction, Colombia


This paper analyses the effects of tourism on the economic growth and development, focusing on the main tourism regions of Colombia: Antioquia, Bolivar, Bogotá, Magdalena and San Andrés-Providencia of Colombia. For the analysis, the study uses annual data from 1990 to 2006. Firstly, the work presents a quantitative exercise describing the evolution of the participation of the tourism sector in the different regions and its contribution to economic growth. The analysis shows an increasing participation of tourism in the economic growth of each region during the periods 1990-1999 and 2003-2006 and a decresing in the intermediate period. Secondly, the study uses cointegra- tion analysis to evaluate the existence of VEC among real GDP per capita, tourism expenditures and real exchange rates. We show that the causality relationship is positive and unidirectional for all the regions but the values of elasticities are considerable different. This implies that a change in tourism expenditure will produce different effects on the economic growth of the regions.


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Author Biographies

Juan Gabriel Brida

Competence Centre in Tourism Management and Tourism Economics (TOMTE). School of Economics and Management-Free University of Bolzano, Italia.

Pablo Daniel Monterubbianesii

Departamento de Economía, Universidad Nacional del Sur. Argentina.

Sandra Zapata Aguirre

Grupo de Investigación Empresarial y de Turismo (GIET). Institución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia. Colombia.


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How to Cite

Brida, J. G., Monterubbianesii, P. D., & Zapata Aguirre, S. (2011). The impacts of tourism on economic growth and development: the case of the main Colombian destinations. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 9(2), 291–305.