Tourism consumption and social inequality in Spain


  • Pablo Rodríguez González
  • Manuel A. Santana Turégano Universidad de La Laguna



tourism participation, economic sociology, segmentation analysis, tourism demand


The article re-examines the relationship between tourist consumption and social inequality in the framework of Spanish society, updating the sociological perspective on this topic from a survey carried out in origin to adult population. Tourism consumption is operationalized through a typology that allows to critically examine the thesis of universalization and differentiation of tourism consumption, through segmentation analysis (CHAID) reflecting the interactions between the multiple dimensions of the social structure, identifying privileged groups and excluded from tourism consumption.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez González, P., & Santana Turégano, M. A. (2013). Tourism consumption and social inequality in Spain. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 12(1), 29–51.




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