Value of the Sacred: Perception and spirituality around the common concept of Architectural Heritage




society, religion, space, architecture, heritage


Since the formation of the first communities, the materialization in the territory of social events, rituals or ceremonies has signified a progressive association of the site and the landscape with specific transcendental values. With modern rationalism, the division between subject and object motivated the progressive abandonment of these values inherent to these enclaves. From a set of examples, a reflection is proposed on the intangible and immaterial values linked to spaces that throughout history have been the centre of discursive practices and symbolic rites. Transcending the material architectural configuration, these have been incorporated as inseparable components of the global concept of heritage. These intangible qualities must be considered in the restoration and enhancement processes to ensure the prevalence of social identity through their adaptation to each period, regardless of the successive alternation of cultures throughout their history.


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How to Cite

Joyanes Díaz, M. D., & Ruíz Jaramillo, J. (2020). Value of the Sacred: Perception and spirituality around the common concept of Architectural Heritage . PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 18(4), 545–558.