Simplicity as a creative culinary process: a trend in gastronomic tourism




Gastronomy tourism, simplicity, creativity, tradition, gastronomy


This research raises the convenience of addressing theoretical debates that help to deepen the study of simplicity ¾result of a creative process¾ as an asset in the current trend of Spanish restoration. For that purpose, the main literature on gastronomic tourism is reviewed and the concepts of simplicity are addressed. Afterwards, the messages transmitted by the destinations integrated in the entity Taste Spain are analyzed in order to assess whether culinary simplicity is part of these. The first results seem to corroborate that there is, in fact, an interrelation between the concepts analyzed and the use of a gastronomy based on simplicity ¾tradition, simplicity and excellence of raw materials¾ which also serves as a tourist attraction.


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How to Cite

Aguirregoitia Martínez, A., & Fernández Poyatos, M. D. (2019). Simplicity as a creative culinary process: a trend in gastronomic tourism. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 17(5), 875–888.

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