The 'tourist anthropologist' and archeology in Brazil: from rhetoric to practice
Archaeotourism, Anthropology of Tourism, Participant observation, Archaeological replica, Amazônia, BrazilAbstract
The goal of this article is to present participant observation as an efficient methodology for collecting ethnographic data in research on tourism and anthropology. Using a four-field anthropology approach, based on Ethnographic Archeology, the examples refer to Archaeoturism in Brazil, as a final discussion proposing a reflection about examples of re-appropriation and consumption of Amazonia archaeological heritages, which includes the production of replicas. The method was employed while complete participant observation, when the researcher collects data incognito, taking the place of the tourist. I argue that this specific method at archaeological heritage with tourism use has proven to be efficient while allowing contrast between discourses, which includes media information or opinion of interviewees and managers, and applied experience as a visitor. Whilst, possible influences of the researcher’s presence are minimized in the results, providing a more reliable understanding of the phenomenon.
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