Guides, images and souvenirs: reflections on the mediating artifacts of tourism practice


  • Mercedes Gonzalez Bracco UBA-CONICET



Tourist practice, Non-Human Actors, Tourist image, Souvenir, Tourist experience.


This paper examines the tools and technologies that mediate the tourist practice, showing how it encourages or discourages uses, actions and perceptions on touristic places. As from Latour’s theory I propose to consider these tools as “non?human actors”, meaning that they contribute to produce the tourism practice in the same way as humans. Thus, I analyze the supposed objectivity of these elements, to see then how that affects the confrontation between the tourism image and the reality of the place, to finally reflect on crystallization and commercialization of tourist image as a souvenir.


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How to Cite

Gonzalez Bracco, M. (2017). Guides, images and souvenirs: reflections on the mediating artifacts of tourism practice. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 15(3), 741–750.



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