Importance of destination image and customer satisfaction for new emerging destinations

An empirical research case from tourism development perspective



Palabras clave:

Hotel, Imagen de destino, Satisfacción del cliente, Turista, Turismo patrimonial, Amasya


The current study purposed to focus on the importance of destination Image and customer satisfaction by conducting an empirical case study from Amasya Province, Turkey. Data for the present research work was obtained from a sample of domestic tourists in Amasya. Respondents self-administered the questionnaires. A total number of 100 usable questionnaires were obtained in the research location. For the statistical analyses, the current study has used SPSS Version 23 in conjunction with Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression. Based on the analysis, the majority of tourists seemed satisfied and had positive destination image. However this study showed that there are some points that should be developed such as tourism infrastructure, night life and entertainment environment, public transport transportation system, services for tourists and etc. Examining the factors constitutes destination image on a continuous basis is a critical issue for the new emerging destinations, so, in this regard the current work procures important implications in general. At the same time it contributes to the new theoretical knowledge.


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Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)


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Biografía del autor/a

Kenan Pala, Amasya University

Kenan Pala has been working as a lecturer at Amasya University Vocational School of Social Sciences, Cookery Program since 2014. He continues his doctorate education in the field of gastronomy at Nevşehir Hacı Bektaşi Veli University. He has already published studies on tourism and gastronomy. His academic studies focus on vocational tourism education, culinary education, local cuisine, Ottoman cuisine, world cuisines, kitchen management and branding of restaurants, customer satisfaction and destination image in the service sector.


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Cómo citar

Daskin, M., & Pala, K. (2022). Importance of destination image and customer satisfaction for new emerging destinations: An empirical research case from tourism development perspective. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 20(5), 1203–1217.